20 Years Later… Berserk: no blame, no shame

I don’t know what compelled me to finally dig up the grounds of anime legacy and unearth this series, apart from perhaps a give-in to my long felt build up of guilt for having not watched such a classic. But I’m glad I did, because it was, despite some of its arguably dated aspects, an engrossing watch. Berserk is, I feel, a rarity, in that it doesn’t play around and try to bullshit the viewer. No, it treats you as it treats Guts. Like. A. Fucking. Adult.

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Should you watch: Street Fighter II?

Feel free to ignore this if you’ve already seen the movie, especially if you think of it in a high regard. I cannot relate to any feelings of nostalgia here, and I did not watch the dubbed version either, so any extra appeal others may get from it were non-existent in my viewing experience.

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Showing Some Character: Aguri (Gamers!)

Returning to this column here, where I look into a character from anime or manga that made an impression on me. Though I don’t have a strict regimen for this series, I would like to lean more generously on side characters over main ones, and not even necessarily characters I will obviously like – though those could (and have) also land a spot on one of these. This exercise is sort of intended to lead me to appreciating characters I presently do not.

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Shirayuki is the Possibility of Kindness and Growth Fulfilled

Recently I watched the entirety of the first season of Akagami no Shirayukihime (Snow White with the Red Hair), a shoujo fantasy romance drama, brimming with colour, life, and gorgeous visuals. It’s a tiny but impassioned adventure, see, and it’s also very (very) pretty, so needless to say I found it rather pleasant and enjoyable.

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Sanji is NOT a Womanizer!

There seems to be this idea that started long ago – that Sanji is a womanizer, to the extent that even the creator, Eiichiro Oda agrees and has referred to him as such. Now, you might think the creator’s words are gospel to their works, but not when it comes to a fundamental misunderstanding of the meaning of a word, here, in contrast with the character’s contrary attitude, behavior, and actions.

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